Hylliekrokens Golfcenter
Assignment: Create a visual identity that reflects Hylliekrokens Golf Center's charming character and unique golf experience in the heart of Malmö's city center.
Challenge: Hylliekroken Golf Center needed a design that captured the magic of the location and reflected both the natural experience and the elegance that golf entails. The goal was to create an inviting and memorable identity that appeals to both beginners and experienced golfers.
Solution: We created a logo that reflects the escape to nature that Hylliekroken Golf Center offers. The Lucida Sans font was used to convey both elegance and modernity. With the creative use of colors and icons in the logo, we created a symbol that stands as a visual incarnation of the magic of the place.
“Träna ett slag hos oss - så behöver du färre på banan.”
Vi såg även möjligheten att stärka Hylliekrokens Golfcenters budskap och föreslog en slogan som betonar hur träning leder till en smidigare och mer njutbar runda på banan – samtidigt som den fångar golfcentrets inbjudande och sociala atmosfär.
Through our design, Hylliekrokens Golfcenter received a visual identity that captured its unique atmosphere and invited visitors into a world of relaxation and passion for golf. We created printed materials such as green fee cards, bag tags, scorecards and flyers, as well as outdoor and indoor signage, flags and advertisements that helped attract and guide visitors.
Read more about Hylliekroken Golf Center: hylliekrokensgolf.se