
Assignment: Design a visual identity for Medicinpriser, a price comparison service for medicine and prescription drugs. The service enables users to quickly compare prices, check availability and display alternative medicines. The assignment included developing a logo, icons and signage, as well as presentation materials to attract investors.

Challenge: The design would be clear and functional to help users navigate the pharmacy market while creating an attractive and credible visual identity to attract both users and sponsors.

Solution: The logo and graphic profile were created to give the service a professional and accessible expression. Icons and symbols were designed to represent the different categories on the website and app. Communication materials were developed to attract sponsors and create engagement for the service.


Medicinpriser became a successful service that helped over 100,000 visitors and 20,000 app users find the best prices on medicines. Although the service was later discontinued, it made an important contribution to increased transparency in the pharmacy market, and the graphic profile and the communication products created were central to creating initial interest in the project.

Så fungerar Medicinpriser

Metafor: För att tydliggöra tjänstens funktion och värde för investerare tog vi fram denna metaforiska illustration. Den visar hur vi samlar in, behandlar och tillgängliggör information om läkemedel – från apotekens utbud till en lättillgänglig tjänst i webb och app. Bina representerar datainsamlingen, bikupan vår databas, och honungen den värdefulla informationen som hjälper konsumenter att göra informerade val. (klicka på bilden för att förstora)